The Fine Print Blog

by Ashley Burczak
Program and Development Associate, Co-Founder and Former Executive Director of Students Active For Ending Rape (SAFER)

The National Sexuality Resource Center has released a new study on the impact of abstinence-only programs, and their findings point to problems so deep that these programs can actually be considered a human rights violation.

by Derrick Bell
Professor, New York University School of Law

If African Americans constituted their own country, the prevalence of HIV would qualify the country to receive billions from the United States to fight AIDS. However, because they live in the United States, their health care is massively ignored and, as a result, African Americans are disproportionately bearing the brunt of HIV in this country.

by Alison Mehlman
CHLP Director of Planning & Policy Research

The introductory language accompanying the proposed rule explicitly states that the regulation "does not limit patient access to health care." But how can it not?

by Victoria Neilson
Legal Director
Immigration Equality

Under the current policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, foreign nationals with HIV will continue to be excluded from the United States.