The Fine Print Blog

Legal Action Center Logo

HIV and Medical Forms: To Disclose Or Not To Disclose?

Catherine Hanssens
Executive Director, CHLP
The Legal Action Center's new blog starts with a helpful piece on when and how people living with HIV should disclose their status on medical forms.
Marchers Holding a banner reading HIV is Not a Crime. Criminalizing it is.

Stop the Insanity

Catherine Hanssens
Executive Director, CHLP
Why do so many of us lose our reason and embrace criminal law and prison for sexually active people who don't disclose their HIV status?
Lauren Fanning
Lauren Fanning is a community advocate living in Washington State, and a member of the Washington HIV/AIDS Community Action Network (WHACAN). Her career of more than thirty years has included providing end-of-life support and education; serving as an HIV test counselor, mental health counselor, and educator; and providing mental health support, case management, and education to prison inmates and staff. She also has worked as a medical and prevention case manager, and worked with people living with HIV transitioning back to the community from prison. Throughout the last 16 years, she has remained involved in local and statewide planning for HIV care and prevention services.
Protester in a crowd holding sing that says Justice & Dignity for all Immigrants

America: Land of the Free?

Lucero Francisco

Queerness and U.S. Immigration Detention Centers

Jesus Barrios
Edie Windsor in a crowd of people

Tipping the Balance on Marriage Equality

Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal & Andrea Sears