Braidwood v. Becerra: Second Town Hall

The Braidwood v. Becerra ruling poses a major threat to PrEP access and other vital preventive health services. Join PrEP4All and partners, AVAC, HIVMA, NMAC, AIDS Action Baltimore, Lambda Legal, CHLPI, CHLP, My Brother's Keeper, Inc, and Equitable Access for updates on the case, related advocacy, and how to connect with advocates from other preventive health advocacy movements.
Facilitated by Jeremiah Johnson, Executive Director of PrEP4All, and Leisha McKinley-Beach of Black Public Health Academy and PrEP In Black America, our Second Town Hall Meeting will feature guest speakers Liz Kaplin (CHLPI), Jose Abrigo (Lambda Legal), Kae Greenberg (CHLP), Eric Waskowicz (US of Care), and Anna Schwamlein Howard (American Cancer Society-Cancer Action Network). Learn how other HIV advocates are responding, as well as actions being taken by other preventive health advocacy groups.
Learn more about our first town hall at
*Disclaimer: This town hall is off the record for the media.