CHLP's Jada Hicks and S. Mandisa Moore-O'Neal will be presenting on several panels at this year's HIV is Not a Crime Training Academy in Emory, Virginia. If you are attending HINAC5 in-person or virtually, don't miss their panels and plenaries.
Monday, June 5
The Fight to Decriminalize HIV: A Story of Courage, Hope and Strategy but at What Costs?
Plenary: 7.30-9pm: Jada Hicks
Tuesday, June 6
Breast/Chestfeeding and HIV: Updates, Intersections, and Advocacy Strategies
Panel: 9.30-11am: S. Mandisa Moore-O'Neal
The Greying of HIV And Compassionate Release: Policy Solutions and Opportunities
Panel: 11.30-1pm: Jada Hicks
Abolition and HIV Decriminalization
Plenary: 2.30-4pm: S. Mandisa Moore-O'Neal
The Forgotten Few: The Unintended Consequences of HIV Criminalization Reform Efforts
Panel: 4.30-6pm: Jada Hicks