HIV Stigma Summit

Event Details

HIV Stigma Summit 2024 on hot pink background

CHLP Executive Director S. Mandisa Moore-O'Neal will be presenting at the Bounce to Zero Stigma Summit in New Orleans on Friday, November 15.

The Stigma Summit offers public health agencies, healthcare and service providers as well as community members an opportunity to engage in dialogue around HIV stigma in the healthcare system, criminal justice system, and wider community.

The Stigma Summit includes expert speakers, panel discussions, and breakout sessions developed to empower participants to identify and address the stigma around HIV.

Registration is required and is free and open to the public.

New Orleans was selected as part of a national initiative to end the HIV epidemic due to its high HIV burden, gaps in treatment coverage, and its commitment and capacity to fast-track the HIV response. A project of the New Orleans Health Department, the Bounce to Zero campaign works to increase prevention, testing, treatment, knowledge, education, and access to tools available to fight HIV and related stigma.