LGBTQ+ Issues in the Courtroom

CHLP Staff Attorney Kae Greenberg will be presenting an LGBTQ+ Issues in the Courtroom training for members of the Montgomery County Judicial Bar in Norristown, Pennsylvania on December 6. He will be co-presenting with John Culhane, Associate Dean for Faculty Development at Widener Law School.
Judges have an ethical obligation to treat all participants in court hearings impartially and with respect. Judges will gain a greater understanding of issues of gender identity and sexual orientation, and develop tools to assure that all participants in court hearings, including attorneys, witnesses and parties, are treated by Judges and Court staff with respect. We will discuss issues and concerns that can arise in courtrooms across all divisions including awareness of the preferred pronouns or names of participants, making sure that references by pronoun in the record are clear, and effective strategies to stop abusive language from other participants.