Mobilizing Innovative Approaches to Create Equitable Pathways for People Living with HIV

CHLP Executive Director S. Mandisa Moore-O'Neal will be participating in a symposium of the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine during the 2023 National Medical Association Conference in New Orleans on August 2, 2023.
Mandisa will address the impact of HIV in the Black community as part of an examination of the gaps in the care continuum for people living with HIV in order to utilize established and newfound assets to ensure health equity.
Via a panel of diverse health professionals – including researchers, healthcare providers, public health practitioners, and community advocates – the symposium seeks to address the structural barriers that exist within Black communities regarding HIV testing, treatment and ongoing care, and data equity. These interventions will generate real-world clinically relevant data on disease burden, patterns of treatment, and real-world effects of medicines and other interventions by race, ethnicity, and other important factors; train diverse healthcare professionals, learners, and leaders, on the elements of the social and political determinants of health; and develop high-quality communications resources on HIV inequities for community members and leaders, policymakers, and policy influencers.
This symposium will lead to the development of policy recommendations for actionable, evidence-based policy changes to attain health equity and ensure that disproportionately impacted communities receive resources, support, and other variables; create sustainable, solution-driven systemic health transformation and build the capacity of providers across the HIV care continuum; and shed light on the existing data gaps and the need for increased and improved data collection and reporting.