Action Alert: Take Action to Protect the Rights of People Living with HIV and All Americans Under the New Administration (2016)

President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to be the President of all Americans. Since the election, however, his appointed advisors and nominated cabinet members tell a different story. As citizens and caring members of multiple communities, we have no choice but to educate ourselves, to take action, and to speak out against appointments and policies that threaten the fundamental rights of any resident of the United States to life and liberty without unwarranted interference or threats of discrimination from the government.

Oppose Advisor Appointment: Steve Bannon, Chief White House Strategist
Steve Bannon is a self-described white nationalist who ran Breitbart News, a media company that proliferates racist, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic, and white supremecist views. As a supporter of terrorist views and organizations, he is not an appropriate candidate for a security clearance to enter the White House, let alone to direct staff operations in it.

Call your Congress members and urge them to denounce Bannon.
If your rep has not yet denounced Bannon (Do a Google news search for your rep/senator's name and "Bannon"):"Hi, my name is ________, and I live in your district. I am calling to ask that <Senator/Representative> denounce Stephen Bannon’s  appointment and refuse to work with the incoming administration’s transition team until Stephen Bannon is removed from his staff.

If your rep has denounced Bannon:
"Hi, my name is ________, and I'm a constituent. I am calling to thank <Senator/Representative> for condemning Stephen Bannon's racism. I ask that the <Senator/Representative> continue to pressure the Trump transition team and refuse to work with them if they appoint racists. <Senator/Representative> needs to continue to protect American values.”

Republican congress members have been silent about Bannon. Contact GOP Senate and House leaders and members and force them to either defend Trump's choice or to condemn it.

Partial contact list:
Sen Jeff Flake 202-224-4521
Sen John McCain 202-224-2235
Sen Ben Sasse 202-224-4224
Sen Mike Lee 202-224-5444
Sen Tim Scott 202-224-6121
Sen Lindsey Graham 202-224-5972
Sen Orrin Hatch 202-224-5251
Sen Marco Rubio 202-224-3041
Rep. Mia Love 202-225-3011

Tips and Strategies for Calling Your Representatives and Senators
1. Call a state or district office first. See this spreadsheet to find your Senator or Representative.
2. Leave a voicemail. If voicemail is full, press "0." This will typically connect you to a receptionist who may be able to take your message or transfer you to a voicemail that isn't full.
3. Call the national office, if you can't get through to the local office. Or to see if you can get a real person.
4. Be prepared to give your name and your address or location. You can refer to yourself as a constituent, as per the script, and they might not ask.
5. Note that the operator is likely using some kind of form to mark your call, the goal is to generate a high volume of calls that require the operator to check off individual boxes. That means it’s critical to name your issues specifically and not just say something like "oppose Trump."
6. Read this set of tweets for more on why these calls work.
Source: “We’re His Problem Now


Southern Poverty Law Center
Stephen Bannon has no business in the White House

Muslim Public Affairs Council & Bend the Arc Jewish Action
Joint Petition from American Jews and Muslims on Stephen Bannon


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