Positive Justice Project members take on HIV criminalization legislation on Baltimore radio show (2012)

On Tuesday, Positive Justice Project (PJP) members were featured on a popular Baltimore radio show to discuss proposed HIV criminalization legislation in Maryland. Brook Kelly of the Positive Women's Network and Chair of PJP's Constituency Outreach work group, and Lisa Fager of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, joined the show to explain the implications of House Bill 622 and the damaging consequences it would have.

Maryland law currently makes the knowing transfer or attempt to transfer HIV to another individual a misdemeanor that can result in a fine of up to $2,500 or imprisonment for up to 3 years, or both. The proposed bill would change the crime from a misdemeanor to a felony charge, with maximum prison time of up to 25 years.

To listen to the program, click here.

To learn more about the PJP, a national coalition working to end the targeting of HIV-positive people for unreasonable criminal prosecution, click here.