Published February, 2024

Opposition to Oklahoma HB 3098, CHLP (February 2024)

Screen shot of first page of advocacy letter

Introduced in the 2024 legislative session, House Bill 3098 (HB 3098) would have dramatically increased the number of health conditions criminalized under Oklahoma law. In testimony to the House Judiciary - Criminal Committee, CHLP emphasized that the bill would criminalize nearly all Oklahomans and worsen criminal legal system disparities for Black, Latine, Indigenous, and 2SLGBTQ+ Oklahomans. 

The existing statute, Oklahoma Statutes Title 21 Section 1192 (Section 1192), imposes felony punishment, including a two-to-five-year prison sentence, on people living with smallpox, syphilis, or gonorrhea who intentionally or recklessly “spread or cause to be spread to any other persons . . . such infectious disease.” HB3098 l would have added Hepatitis B virus, genital herpes, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), and Trichomoniasis to the list of criminalized conditions, potentially opening up more than 85% of the population to criminalization.