Published September, 2013
Policy Review and Development Guide - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Persons in Custodial Settings; U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections (2013)
This guide is designed to raise the awareness of correctional administrators, medical and mental health staff, training coordinators, direct care staff, and policymakers to the rights and needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex individuals (LGBTI) in custodial settings as they draft or improve policies regarding the care of this population.
The guide attempts to break down statistical data, experiences, and needs of LGBTI people by dividing youth and adult into two sections. While this resource does not give specifics on how to draft policies, it includes several comprehensive checklists which could be used to review existing policies or draft new ones. Additionally, the appendices include a basic glossary of terms, links to fact sheets and resource guides, and brief synopses of relevant legal cases. This guide could also serve as a tool for staff who struggle to maintain a respectful and mindful approach when working with LGBTI persons in state custody settings.
Note that this resource would not be sufficient for facilities looking to address the needs specific to people living with HIV as it makes little reference to this aspect of care.
Youth facilities and service providers should also refer to the Teen SENSE Model Policies and Standards, which set forth the minimum requirements that facilities should meet in order to appropriately address the sexual health care needs of youth in custody.
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Legal Disclaimer: CHLP makes an effort to ensure legal information is correct and current, but the law is regularly changing, and the accuracy of the information provided cannot be guaranteed. The legal information in a given resource may not be applicable to all situations and is not—and should not be relied upon—as a substitute for legal advice.