The Fine Print Blog

Science Alone is Not a Solution Blog Logo Graphic

Science Alone is Not the Solution

Arpita Appannagari and Kate Boulton
While science is one useful tool in combating HIV criminalization, we must avoid the suggestion that these discriminatory laws have any kind of underlying legitimacy.
Stop Kavanaugh Blog  logo graphic

A "Justice" Kavanaugh Would Be a Nightmare for People Living With Disabilities, Including PLHIV

Catherine Hanssens
Founder/Executive Director
There are plenty of reasons why LGBT people and people living with HIV should be horrified, and should speak out, at the prospect of a Justice Kavanaugh on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Justice for Nushawn Blog Logo Graphic

Justice for Nushawn Williams

Davina Conner (Pozitively Dee)
Guest blogger Davina Conner (Positively Dee) weighs in on Nushawn Williams.
Comparison of Missouri HIV Crim Laws Blog Logo Graphic
A Side-by-Side Comparison of the Proposed Bills to Reform Missouri’s HIV Criminal Laws
Takeaways from Williams Georgia Report Blog Logo Graphic

Key Takeaways for Reform from the Williams Institute Report on HIV Criminalization in Georgia

Arpita Appannagari
CHLP National Outreach Coordinator
CHLP National Outreach Coordinator Arpita Appannagari examines a report from the Williams Institute released earlier this month that provides a comprehensive look at HIV criminalization in Georgia using data from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
Moment of Outrage Blog Logo Graphic

A Moment of Outrage with a Silver Lining

Catherine Hanssens
Executive Director, CHLP
While media attention focused on Price's comments, in December her committee released a final report with surprisingly progressive findings and recommendations based in no small part on the efforts of Georgia advocates who made sure the committee had information about the harms of Georgia’s HIV criminal laws and the need for reform.
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Changes to HIV criminalization laws in Canada highlight the importance of the Consensus Statement on HIV TasP in Criminal Law Reform urging that prosecutions not hinge on an individual's viral load but on actual, intentional transmission.
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A Closer Look at Proposed Legislation to Change HIV Criminal Laws in Florida

Kate Boulton, CHLP Staff Attorney
Explanation of Florida’s SB 546/HB 719