
Reps. Ro Khanna (CA-17), Barbara Lee (CA-13) and Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Ron Wyden (D-OR), introduced the SAFE SEX Workers Study Act, a bill to require the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to conduct the first national study on the health and safety of sex workers.
Logos for chlp, AIDS united and the well project
On October 28, 2019, CHLP, AIDS United and The Well Project submitted written comments to express continued support for HIV testing protocols that recognize the vital importance of strong protections of patients’ rights to clear, oral notice of and consent to HIV testing.
Closeup of Red HIV molecules

On October 15, 2019, CHLP presented a webinar entitled Is HIV Molecular Surveillance Worth The Risk?

Clarifying the latest Trump pronouncement on immigrant visas

Jennifer Kates, Sr. Vice President/Director of Global Health & HIV Policy,
Kaiser Family Foundation
The latest anti-immigrant proclamation applies only to those seeking immigrant visas, not tourist or business visas.
New Rule Violates Federal Law Prohibiting Disability-Based Discrimination
Michael Johnson sitting outside in a field of grass.
New York Times coverage of Michael Johnson's release on parole.

In recognition of the Trump administration's announced plan to do a sweep of NYC this weekend, here are two resources shared by colleagues on the D

Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson, a former college wrestler imprisoned for nearly six years for the alleged failure to disclose his HIV s

Michael Johnson Released on Parole, Heads Back to Indiana (2019)

Catherine Hanssens
Founder/Executive Director
On Tuesday, July 9, 2019, Michael Johnson, a former college wrestler imprisoned for nearly six years for the alleged failure to disclose his HIV status before sex, left prison to restart his life.
Queer Liberation March pink graphic with date and time
A grassroots action--a people’s political march with no corporate floats and no police involvement--to highlight the social and political battles that continue to be fought and to shine a light on the most marginalized members of the queer community.