
National Association cites HIV-related laws as examples of flawed criminal justice policy.
SMART University group Photo with Seven staff members
Organization accepted into Neighborhood Health Action Center initiative to improve health equity and reduce health disparities at the neighborhood level.
Susan Rodriguez and Ingrid Floyd
Rodriguez recognized for her commitment to improving the lives of women living with HIV/AIDS.
Susan Rodriguez
Susan Rodriguez, Executive Director of SMART University, CHLP advisory board member, and fierce HIV community advocate, is being honored by Iris House at its 11th Annual Women as the Face of AIDS Summit, Monday, May 2, 2016.
Anita Alvarez
Landmark Statement from State Prosecutor Calls for Modernization of HIV Criminal Law in Illinois
AIDS Ribbon in the Black Liberation flag colors of Black, REd and GReen
For National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, February 7, BETA Blog explores the controversy surrounding HIV criminalization laws.
CHLP Deputy Director Mayo Schreiber penned an opinion piece in response to an article in The Morning Call (Lehigh Valley, PA) calling out Northampton County Judge Leonard Zito for hyperbolic language and doing a disservice to people living with HIV.