
HIV PJA will host a campaign briefing call about the work the organization does as part of the Positive Justice Project. 

A study conducted in Ottawa, Canada, found that nondisclosure prosecutions do likely undermine HIV prevention efforts.

The Positive Justice Project, in collaboration with the Tennessee AIDS Advocacy Network (TAAN) and Tennessee Association of People With AIDS (TAPWA), will host a Community Roundtable on HIV Criminalization in Tennessee on March 20, 2013 at Nashville Cares (633 Thompson Lane, Nashville, TN 37204). The Positive Justice Project will also present at the Tennessee Department of Health- HIV/STD Program state-wide meeting on March 21st. 

The Policy Committee of the HIV Health & Human Services Planning Council invited the Positive Justice Project (PJP) to present on issues related to HIV criminalization at the Committee's January 2013 meeting at AIDS Service Center in Lower Manhattan

The United Nations NGO Committee on HIV/AIDS will hold a panel discussion on HIV-related issues during the 51st Session of the Commission on Social Development. The event, "Empowering People Living with HIV by Eliminating Stigma and Discrimination" aligns with the Session's priority theme of promoting empowerment by achieving poverty eradication, social integration, and full employment and decent work for all.

A Statement authored by Adrian Guzman of the Center for HIV Law and Policy, in his capacity as member of UN NGO Committee on HIV/AIDS, has been accepted for publication by the 57th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. 

CDC's analysis of rates of intimate partner violence among LGBT individuals show that queer partner abuse parallels or even exceeds violence in heterosexual relationships, with 61% of bixexual women reporting incidents of rape, other physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner--nearly twice the rate that hetero women report.

The Atlantic's December 2012 feature article, "How Close Are We to an AIDS-Free Generation?" references the impace of stigma and HIV criminalization on the goals of ending the HIV epidemic.

Are you interested in activism? Between the ages of 14 and 22? Join us on Saturday, December 8, 2012. You'll be surprised with what you learn about how the law and our legal system are involved with your sex life. Lunch will be provided.

The event, The United States National Dialogue on the criminalization of HIV transmission, exposure & non-disclosure: The Role of States & the Federal Government is on Tuesday, December 4, 2012 from 1230pm - 4:00pm