Published October, 2022
Molecular HIV Surveillance and Cluster Detection and Response Resolution, PACHA (October 17, 2022)

In this resolution, PACHA urges the CDC to update its guidance to state, territorial, and local health departments and public health departments to collaborate with key stakeholders and PLHIV and assess whether MHS should be implemented locally, as well as how MHS activities might be constituted to ensure PLHIV are not harmed.
PACHA recommends that local adaptations of MHS must be responsive to the needs within a given jurisdiction based on reviews of state and local laws used to criminalize PLHIV, including general criminal laws, the legal environment of public health data protections, and tribal data sovereignty.
PACHA also recommends that plain-language notifications be available to PLHIV about the types of surveillance being conducted as well as provide options for patients to opt-out from the use of their MHS data in the CDC’s “cluster detection and response” (CDR) activities.
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