This analysis looks at the legislative modernization of California's HIV criminal laws that will take effect on January 1, 2018. These new laws are a significant victory for Californians who believe in an evenhanded application of justice, and treatment of HIV like any other serious disease.
A look at how the work to ensure comprehensive sexual health care for youth in state custody intersects and supports public health, reproductive rights, racial justice, and human right advocacy work.
This TeenSENSE action sheet outlines the steps that individuals can take to advocate for the rights of youth in state care to comprehensive sexual health.
Teen SENSE Model Policy: Staff Training Focusing on the Needs of Youth in State Custody, designed for use by agencies and jurisdictions that provide services for youth in out-of-home care, outlines the basic requirements for ensuring that staff in youth facilit
Teen SENSE Model Policy: Sexual Health Care for Youth in State Custody, designed for use by agencies and jurisdictions that provide services for youth in out-of-home care, outlines the basic minimum requirements for sexual health care services.
HIV criminalization reform has focused on laws criminalizing non-disclosure of a person’s positive HIV status prior to consensual sex.
Casi cada tipo de discriminación basado en el VIH y el estigma asociado con el – desde negación de tratamiento medico a admisión en escuelas y campamentos y hasta enjuiciamientos criminales injustificados—tiene raÃces en percepciones erróneas acerca de las rutas, los riesgos, y las realidade