Published June, 2020
Position Statement on the Use of Molecular Surveillance to Track HIV Transmission Networks, AIDS United Public Policy Council (2020)

In 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced a five-year program requiring states to collect and share personal health care information collected by doctors, known as molecular surveillance data, for analysis by state and local public health officials as well as scientists at the CDC. However, p ublic health officials have not explained why collecting molecular surveillance data is necessary or how it will be used, causing concern about the widespread implementation of these technologies.
This position statement by AIDS United Public Policy Council (PPC) outlines principles that support people living with HIV, advocates and policymakers in assessing how to utilize the benefits of molecular surveillance technology while protecting privacy and preventing misuse of information by the criminal legal system, and in particular the consequences arising from HIV stigma and criminalization. The AIDS United PPC consists of more than 50 of the leading HIV-focused organizations from across the United States to advocate for people living with or affected by HIV and the organizations that serve them. This statement was adopted on June 16, 2020.
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