The Fine Print Blog

ADA 30 Years Anniversary Logo
The ADA’s 30th birthday makes it a good time for a check-in in the blog by Interim Staff Attorney Anne Kelsey.
Pop art of people wearing masks and blowing noses into tissues
CHLP Staff Attorney Jacob Schneider on how the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the urgent need to reform juvenile justice for the tens of thousands of young people involved in our juvenile justice and child protective system.
Red HIV molecules

Is HIV Molecular Surveillance Worth The Risk?

Jacob Schneider
CHLP Staff Attorney
At a time when federal and state policies single out people with HIV for punishment, is this way of identifying sexual networks a good idea?
Red HIV molecules

Doing National HIV Testing Day Our Way

Amir Sadeghi
National Community Outreach Coordinator, CHLP
For National HIV Testing Day, CHLP's Amir Sadeghi talks about the importance of informed consent and growing privacy concerns about molecular surveillance.
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A NY Post op-ed explains why changing NY law to permit HIV testing without even verbal notice to the patient is a very bad idea.
UNAIDS Social Media Graphic

On Zero Discrimination Day, CHLP joins UNAIDS Call to Action to Change Discriminatory Laws

Catherine Hanssens
Executive Director/Founder
For Zero Discrimination Day, CHLP joins UNAIDS in highlighting the need for action against discriminatory laws and policies, and challenging people to get involved in changing the laws where they live. Eliminating the stigma of HIV and those living with it is as important to basic quality of life as antiretrovirals and it’s one of the reasons why ending HIV nationally and internationally can't be done without criminal law reform.
Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers Blog Logo Graphic
A new blog from CHLP Executive Director Catherine Hanssens argues that theories of “trickle-down justice” in state HIV criminal law reform are a rationalization for leaving behind those most affected: sex workers and women.
Sex Worker Blog Logo Graphic

The Writing’s on the Wall: HIV anti-criminalization advocacy cannot ignore sex workers (2018)

Kate Boulton
Staff Attorney, The Center for HIV Law and Policy
Today, there is a growing movement of organizations and advocates across the country committed to seeing the end of HIV criminalization. While we can all agree that there needs to be change, a more urgent question may be how we’re defining the success of that change. What underlying principles are guiding this work?
Trans Blog Logo Graphic

Your Vote, Your Voice, Your Weapon: Fight Back for Trans and GNC Americans

Arpita Appannagari
National Community Outreach Coordinator, The Center for HIV Law and Policy
A memo from the Trump Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services said it intended to use Title IX to define gender “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable." The proposal is a bare-knuckled assault on the civil rights and safety of people who identify as outside of the gender binary. It is an act of violence with very real and serious consequences for the health, healthcare, and related safety of individual young people.